Homeschool Using Math-U-See

What is the best homeschool maths program?

Ever wondered how to homeschool your kids and teach them proper maths? Maths that will excite them, engage them and have them understanding and using numbers (successfully) for life? 

I know for my kids, when I realised they couldn't understand Place Value, always used their fingers and couldn't do simple sums, I got worried. 

As a parent, it's your responsibility to bring up your kids and give them everything they need for their future life, as a well-educated, successful adult. Isn't that what we all dream of?

How do you choose the right maths for your kids?

There's so much pressure to choose the right curriculum, make your kids happy, make sure they understand what they're being taught and can use it in everyday life - and that's the same for any topic.

You don't want them to get 100% on a weekly maths test, but not be able to work out how many apples you need for a week (that's a simple equation... How many people in the house x days of the week = total amount of apples needed). 

You also don't want to choose the wrong curriculum and waste your money on something your kids don't like and don't engage with. It's a hard decision and can get overwhelming with the amount of choices, opinions and online discussions about maths programs!

Why homeschool using Math-U-See?

Well, if you haven't heard about it from your friend already, here's a few reasons why it's one of the most popular - and most effective - maths programs on the market. Internationally. The program is sold around the world and used by parents, teachers and tutors alike. 

So many parents have tried other maths programs like Maths Online, Saxon Maths, Right Start maths, Horizon maths... you name it! and spend years going through program after program, without success. 

The reason Math-U-See works so well is because it's based on research-proven methodology. It's works with each individual student at their own pace to achieve mastery of each topic before moving onto the next. It has been well-documented that teaching maths using manipulatives, at the students' pace, allows for much easier understanding and retention of knowledge.

What's the benefits of the program?

The best thing is, you don't need any prior experience with maths (we've had mums from business consultations to mums who didn't pass maths class at school using the program). 

  • Easy to use
  • No prior maths teaching experience necessary
  • Step-by-step instructions and online video lessons
  • Hands-on manipulatives for kinaesthetic learners
  • Student-paced learning
  • Based on research-proven methodology

Any student can use the Math-U-See program for better maths results. It is also specifically effective for those with:

  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyslexia
  • ADHD and other learning differences
  • For those requiring intervention
  • Students needing to pass important maths exams

Maths doesn't need to be a hard topic, or something that you and your kids dread.

It can be fun, easy and engaging. There are thousands of homeschool parents across Australia who homeschool using Math-U-See with great success. You can read their reviews here.

How are maths topics taught?

Simple concepts like Place Value are taught using a structured concept called 'Decimal Street' (with a simple diagrammatic representation of moving houses because one house is too full). This simple concept is reinforced throughout ongoing lessons, and really helps kids solidify their understanding of place value.

Here's a short video explanation of how Place Value is taught:

When you homeschool using Math-U-See, you get a complete curriculum, covering preschool and primary years to advanced and even University-level maths. It's designed so you don't have to chop and change maths programs when your kids reach high school and secondary school maths. 

It's sequential and student-paced learning

Each concept builds firmly on one another, so kid's don't move forward until they have mastered a topic (that means you don't have to get to high school and go all the way back to the beginning because they're still finger counting!)

More complex concepts like algebra, decimals and percents are also taught using hands-on manipulatives and follow step-by-step instructions in the advanced levels. The same manipulatives are used in the advanced level, reinforcing colour and number recognition and hands-on learning.

Don't know where to start? 

Take our easy diagnostic test to see where your student is at
with their maths

The Online Placement Tests are simple to use and your student's results are automatically calculated. You'll know where to start and what to do to fill in their gaps of maths understanding.

It's such a great program and you couldn't get any better. But, don't take my word for it. Try it yourself and see if your kids are engaged and excited about maths.... they will be!

Leave any questions in the comments below and we'll get back to you


The Team at Maths Australia

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